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Bria For IOS and Android

Setup Guide for Bria on iPhone and Android

MaxoTel recommends Cloud Softphone, included with our Hosted PBX plans for free. Cloud Softphone uses push notifications, significantly improving battery life. Find out more at MaxoTel Cloud Softphone

Before you begin, ensure that you've created your extension in the My Account Portal, https://my.maxo.com.au/. To retrieve the details of an existing extension, or create a new extension, login to the My Account Portal and select PBX Extensions or SIP Trunks from the menu, depending on your service type. If you're creating a new extension, click the Add Extension button, fill in the details and click Save. For additional information on creating an extension, please see Portal Guide - PBX Extensions and Sip Trunks

Find the extension number you're configuring, then click Edit.

Take note of the following fields, highlighted in the image below, as you'll need these to setup the device. 

  • Register Username: This is the full username, not the short Ext No.
  • SIP Proxy: The server you'll be connecting to.
  • Re-Register Interval: Defines how often your device should check in.
  • Password: The extension's password

Note that if the extension is already configured on a device, you'll need to reconfigure, power down or factory reset the currently connected device before the required information will be displayed.

So we can provide the correct instructions, please choose your Bria version from the below:

Bria Solo/Teams

To configure your Bria Solo phone, first signup for an account with Counterpath and select your plan, or login to your existing account.

Once logged in, select Set Up a Voice Account

Select Configure SIP Settings

Copy the details from your extension to the configuration page, as below:

Domain: SIP Proxy (eg. sip.maxo.com.au or pbx.maxo.com.au)

SIP Username: Register Username

Authentication Username: Register Username

SIP/Voice Password: Extension Password

Call Display: Your Name (Optional)

Once done, click Configure Service Settings

Set the service settings details as below, copying the SIP Proxy from your extension's details.

SIP Proxy: SIP Proxy (eg. sip.maxo.com.au or pbx.maxo.com.au)

Transport: UDP

Registration Time: Re-Register Interval

Rport: Disabled

Keep Alive: Enabled

Voicemail Number: 50002

Once done, click Download a Client App to download the actual Bria application. When it launches, sign in using your Counterpath username and password, which will automatically configure your softphone.

Once logged into the app, choose Settings, then:


Select SIP Account

Please note that Enabled must be set to No before you can apply these changes.

Set the following fields under Push Service

  • Use Push Notifications: Yes
  • Disable Hash Token: Yes


Tap the Account

Locate and tap Push Advanced

Set Disable Hash Token to On

If the settings were entered correctly then the account should register. You are now free to make and receive calls through the app. If you have any troubles making and receiving calls from here on in, please give MaxoTel a call on 1800 12 12 10

Bria Legacy

To configure the Bria app to a MaxoTel Extension, first make sure that your device can connect to the internet. When you first start the app up, you will see the following screen:

Choose the 'VoIP (SIP) - Calling' to enter in the details required.

On the next page, input the account details, copying the information from your extension in the My Account Portal:

  • Account Name: Optional
  • Display As: Optional
  • Username: Register Username
  • Password: Extension Password
  • Domain: SIP Proxy

Once the 'User Details' area has been filled out, click on the 'Advanced' tab and scroll down to the 'SIP REGISTRATION' area. Change the Wi-Fi Refresh Interval and Mobile Refresh Interval fields to 120 (seconds). Once done, click Back

Finally, set Enabled to On.

If the settings were entered correctly then the account should register. You are now free to make and receive calls through the app. If you have any troubles making and receiving calls from here on in, please give MaxoTel a call on 1800 12 12 10

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