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Cisco ATA FAXING Guide

This guide is specifically for configuring Cisco ATA's for use with FAX machines. If you are configuring one to use with a normal phone, please instead use Cisco SPA112 ATA Setup Guide

For faxing with an ATA, you'll need to use a SIP Trunk (not a Hosted PBX Extension), as these have the required T.38 protocol enabled. Before you begin, ensure that you've created your extension in the My Account Portal, https://my.maxo.com.au/. To retrieve the details, or create an extension, login to the My Account Portal, then select SIP Trunks from the left menu. If creating a new SIP trunk, click the Add Extension button, fill in the details and click Save. Find the extension number you're configuring, then click Edit.

Take note of the following fields, as you'll need these to setup the device.

As we will be configuring the device using its web interface, we need to retrieve the device's IP address.

Before you can retrieve the IP of the ATA, you will need to ensure the following is completed:

  • A handset is connected to the Phone 1 port on the ATA
  • The power is connected to the ATA, and the power icon is lit
  • An ethernet cable is connected from your router to the ATA, and the Internet light is lit (temporarily connect your computer to the SPA122's LAN port to configure it)

To retrieve the IP, pick up the handset and (if required) open a line. Dial **** (four asterisks)


At the voice prompt menu, enter 110 #. The phone will read back the IP address of the base, which can be entered into a browser to access the configuration.


At the voice prompt menu, enter 210 #. The phone will read back the IP address of the base, which can be entered into a browser to access the configuration.

Once you have entered the IP address into your web browser, enter the username and password for the device. By default, these are both admin

Select the Voice tab, then choose Line 1

Update the fields identified below, copying the Register Username, SIP Proxy and Password from the Configure Extension box as required:

Proxy: SIP Proxy

Register Expires: 120

Display Name: Fax

User ID: Register Username

Password: SIP Trunk Password

Use Auth ID: yes

Auth ID: Register Username

Preferred Codec: G711u

FAX Passthru Codec: G711u

FAX PAssthru Method: ReINVITE

FAX Enable T38: yes

Dial Plan: (*xx.|000S0|0011x.|1[38]00xxxxxxS0|13[1-9]xxxS0|0[23478]xxxxxxxxS0|[2-9]xxxxxxxS0|xx.)

Regional Settings

The following changes are optional, however they will make your SPA ATA sound more

Choose Regional from the left menu. Under the Call Progress Tones and Distinctive Ring Patterns headings change:

Dial tone: 400@-19,425@-19,450@-19;10(*/0/1+2+3)
Busy Tone: 425@-19;10(.375/.375/1)
Reorder Tone: 425@-19, 425@-29;60(.375/.375/1,.375/.375/2)
Ring Back Tone: 400@-19,425@-19,450@-19;*(.4/.2/1+2+3,.4/2/1+2+3)

Ring1 Cadence: 60(.4/.2,.4/2)

The following changes are required under the "Miscellaneous" heading :

FXS Port Impedance: 220+820||115nF

Once you have saved the settings and the unit has rebooted, you can refresh the 'SIP Trunks' page in https://my.maxo.com.au/, to see if the device has registered. If you are still having issues, please give us a call on 1800 12 12 10

NBN Changes

If your connection is on the NBN, and you're experiencing issues receiving faxes, it may be necessary to change the NBN traffic class of your fax calls. There are two options for traffic classes below - if you're experiencing issues with one, please try the other.

To access this setting, navigate to Voice > Line 1. The fields are in the Network Settings section.

TC1 - High priority, but limited bandwidth

SIP ToS/DiffServ Value: 0xb8

RTP ToS/DiffServ Value: 0xb8

TC4 - Lower priority, with all available bandwidth

SIP ToS/DiffServ Value: 0x68

RTP ToS/DiffServ Value: 0x68

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