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Call Parking Guide

Call Parking is a common PBX feature that allows one person to place a call on hold and have any other phone on the PBX to pick up the call. MaxoTel's parking facility takes this a step further, by allowing you to completely customise multiple aspects of the function.

This guide is will lead you through the process of creating and customising parking lots, parking a call, picking up a parked call, and monitoring specific call parking lots.

For information on setting up Call Parking on Yealink Phones, click here.

Creating and Customising Parking Lots:

To start using Call Parking you will have to first create what is called a ‘Parking Lot’. Click on the ‘Call Parking’ tab under the Hosted PBX banner.

To create a parking lot, click the 'Add Parking Lot' button. This will also display the maximum number of lots available (not the total number of spaces).


Once you have created a Parking Lot, you will have a few configurable options. Please see below for an explanation on each option.

Park EXTN:
The 3 digit prefix that will be used for parking calls.

The amount of available spaces in the Parking Lot.

Parking lot:
The range of available spaces.

A descriptive name for the specific Parking Lot

Hold Music:
Which hold music will be played to the person parked.


Whether to read back the parking lot number when a call is parked using an attended transfer

Blind XFer Notify

Whether or not the system will call back the phone the parked the call with the parking lot number, when it was parked using a blind transfer.

Call Return Options:
When and where the call will bounce back to if nobody answers the call.

  • Please note: When set To "Original Transferrer", the call will follow the Divert settings of the PBX extension that originally transferred the call in to the call park. For this reason, where call parks are in use, we do not recommend divert settings to divert to hangup when busy, where the call is set to be returned to the original transferrer.

Parking a Call:

Once you have created a Parking Lot, you can simply transfer an existing call to the ‘Park EXTN’.

  • Blind Transfer:
    If you have parked the call by using a Blind Transfer method, your phone will ring momentarily and the Parking Lot will be shown on your screen, and audibly played.
  • Attended Transfer:

If you parked the call by using an Attended Transfer method, your phone should show the Parking Lot on the screen and audibly play the number before the call is parked.

Once you have successfully parked a call, make sure to note what Parking Lot Extn the call was parked at.


Picking Up a Parked Call:

To pick up a call, simply dial the specific Parking Lot Extn that the call was parked onto. The person that parked the call will know where the call was parked.

Monitoring Parking Lots:

You can monitor each Parking Lot by using the BLF feature of most VoIP phones. To configure this, please find the specific Call Parking Guide for your VoIP device on our website, or give us a call on 1800 12 12 10

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